One Bulb Three switch connection

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Today In this article we would discuss a circuit by using that one can operate one bulb from three different places, like if you want to operate a bulb installed outside the house from three different rooms then you can do this by using this circuit.

Equipments to be used in circuit:

  1. Bulb
  2. Two Way Switch
  3. Intermediate Switch

Two Way Switch

Two Way Switch as the name defines is a switch which works on both sides, Normal switches have two terminals one for incoming and another terminal for outgoing supply But Two way switch have three terminals as you can see below:-

Here the center one terminal is a common terminal and outer two terminals is L1 & L2. When we throw switch position to upper side then common terminal makes contact with upper side L1 terminal as shown below:-

On the other hand when we throw switch position to lower side then common terminal makes contact with lower side L2 Terminal, In this way two way switch works.

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Intermediate Switch

Intermediate switch have four terminals named L1, L2, L3 & L4, Here L1 & L2 terminals are incoming points while L3 & L4 terminals are outgoing points. as shown below:

When we throw switch position to upper side then at that time L1 connects to L3 and L2 connects with L4 terminal as shown below:

On the other hand when we throw switch position to lower side then at that time L1 connects with L4 and L2 connects with L3 terminals as shown below:

In this way Intermediate switch works.

Circuit Diagram

In this circuit we have to use two no. two way switches and one no. Intermediate switch and their connections are shown below:

Here red Colour line shows phase wire and black colour wire shows neutral wire, one have to connect all these equipments in a similar fashion as shown above. When Power supply is switched on then Bulb will glow as you can see the flow of current indicated by dots over wires in the below picture.

Case 1

When we throw first two way switch to lower side then bulb will turn off as circuit is not completed due to which there is no phase supply connected to bulb and it is turned off as shown below:

Again when when we throw first two way switch to upper side then bulb will turn on as circuit is completed now and bulb gets both phase and neutral.

Case 2

When we throw Intermediate switch to lower side the bulb will turn off as circuit is incomplete due to which bulb don’t get phase supply and turned off as shown below:

Again when we throw intermediate switch to upper side then bulb will turn on as circuit is completed.

Case 3

When we throw Second No. two way switch to lower side then again bulb will turn off due to incomplete circuit as shown below:

When we again throw two way switch to upper side then again bulb will turn on. So here we discuss the three cases and we find out that from all three switches we can switch the bulb on & off.

I hope you liked this article, Also You can watch the video of above article for more understanding

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