transformer mcq

Transformer MCQ

1. No –load test on a transformer is carried out to determine
  1. Copper loss
  2. Magnetizing current
  3. Magnetizing current and no-load loss
  4. Efficiency of the transformer
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Answer: 3

2. The main purpose of performing open –circuit test on a transformer is to measure its
  1. Cu loss
  2. Core loss
  3. Total loss
  4. Insulation resistance

Answer: 2

3. During short –circuit test, the iron lose of a transformer is negligible becauseer is to measure its
  1. The entire input is just sufficient to meet Cu losses only
  2. Flux produced is a small fraction of the normal flux
  3. Iron core becomes fully saturated
  4. Supply frequency is held constanton resistance

Answer: 2

4. In operating a 400 Hz transformer at 50 Hz
  1. Only voltage is reduced in the same proportion as the frequency
  2. Only KVA rating is reduced in the same proportion as the frequency
  3. Both voltage and KVA rating are reduced in the same proportion as the frequency
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2

5.Transformer are rated in KVA instead of KW because
  1. Load power factor is often not known
  2. KVA is fixed whereas KW depends on load p.f.
  3. Total transformer loss depends on volt-ampere
  4. It has become customary

Answer: 3

Also Read:

Resistance in series and parallel connection

Power System MCQ

6. What is Transformer?
  1. Transformer is a device used to convert low alternating voltage to a high alternating voltage
  2. Transformer is a device used to convert alternating current to direct current
  3. Transformer is a device used to convert low alternating current to a high alternating current
  4. Transformers are used only for low alternating voltage

Answer: 1

7. Transformer ratings are given in _____________
  1. kVA
  2. HP
  3. kVAR
  4. kW

Answer: 1

8. What is the current transformer?
  1. transformer used with an A.C. voltmeter
  2. transformer used with an A.C. ammeter
  3. transformer used with an D.C. voltmeter
  4. transformer used with an D.C. ammeter

Answer: 2

9. Current transformers are _______________
  1. parallel connected type of instrument transformers
  2. series connected type of instrument transformers
  3. parallel connected normal transformers
  4. series-parallel connected type of instrument transformers

Answer: 2

10. Which of the following is not a part of transformer installation?
  1. Breather
  2. Conservator
  3. Exciter
  4. Buchholz relay

Answer: 3

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