power system mcq

Power System MCQ

1. ACSR conductor have
  1. all conductors made of aluminium
  2. outer conductors made of aluminium
  3. inner conductor made of aluminium
  4. core made of aluminium
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Answer: 2

2. If the frequency of a transmission system is changed from 50 Hz to 100 Hz, the string efficiency, will
  1. increase
  2. decrease
  3. remain unchanged
  4. may increase or decrease

Answer: 3

3. If the length of a transmission line is increased its capacitance will
  1. increase
  2. decrease
  3. remain same
  4. increase or decrease

Answer: 1

4. The line parameters are (a) Shunt reactance (b) Series reactance (c) Conductance (d) Resistance
  1. a and b
  2. a and c
  3. b,c and d
  4. a,b,c and d

Answer: 4

5. The skin effect does not depends on,
  1. nature of material
  2. size of wire
  3. supply frequency
  4. temperature

Answer: 4

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6. For OH transmission line, the self GMD method is used to find
  1. Capacitance
  2. Inductance
  3. Both
  4. None

Answer: 4

7. ACSR conductor have the central core made of
  1. Copper
  2. Steel
  3. Aluminium
  4. Cadmium

Answer: 2

8. Which of the following conductor spirality effect is ignored
  1. Magnetic
  2. Non-magnetic
  3. Both
  4. None

Answer: 2

9. Highest transmission voltage in India
  1. 400 KV
  2. 450 KV
  3. 500 KV
  4. 750 KV

Answer: 4

10. If the height of transmission tower is increased,
  1. line capacitance increases and line inductance decreases
  2. line capacitance decreases and line inductance increases
  3. line capacitance remain same and line inductance decreases
  4. line capacitance decreases and line inductance remain same

Answer: 4

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