Since There are different sizes and types of cables available in market, we have to do cable selection to be used at specific location according to the usage. Types of cables are as follows:-
- Copper Cable
- Alluminium Cable
Also Copper and Aluminium cables are available in different sizes like 1 to 300 and different sizes carry different currents and also different gland sizes. One can do cable selection to be used after checking the current taken by cable which can be selected easily from below tables

From above table one can easily learn about copper cable size from to 35 their gland size, current carrying capacity and breaker to be used for particular cable.
Also we are providing a table of copper cable size to having complete specifications of gland size, current carrying capacity and breaker size. Kindly have a look

So In this article you have learned about copper cables and easily perform cable selection for particular job from these tables.
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