Basic Electrical MCQ

1. An electric current is the

  1. storage of charge
  2. flow of electrons
  3. ionization of atom
  4. opposition to electrons
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Answer: 2

2. The dielectric material used in variable capacitor is generally

  1. air
  2. mica
  3. ceramic
  4. electrolyte

Answer: 1

3. How many electrons will constitute 2 Coulombs of charge?

  1. 6.24 * 1018 electrons
  2. 12.48 * 1018 electrons
  3. 1.602 * 1019 electrons
  4. 3.204 * 1019 electrons

Answer: 2
Explanation: One Coulomb of charge consists of 1/(1.602*10-19) electron that is 6.24 * 1018 electrons. A coulomb is a unit for the charge. Thus, for 2 Coulombs of charge will have 6.24 * 1018 * 2 = 12.48 * 1018 electrons.

4. What is responsible for the current to flow?

  1. Protons
  2. Electrons
  3. Nucleus
  4. Protons and Electrons

Answer: 2
Explanation: For the current to flow in a circuit electrons are required. Electrons are negatively charged and when the potential difference is applied these electrons flow to constitute a current. The current direction is opposite to the electron flow.

5. Which of the following type of circuits in electrical engineering cannot be analyzed using Ohm’s law?

  1. Unilateral
  2. Bilateral
  3. Linear
  4. Conductors

Answer: 1
Explanation: Ohm’s law cannot be used for analyzing unilateral networks as such networks only allow current flow in one direction. A unilateral network can consist diode, transistor, etc.

6. Which of the following is correct about direct current?

  1. Frequency is zero
  2. Can be transported to larger distances with less loss in power
  3. Flows in one direction
  4. Magnitude is constan

Answer: 1
Explanation: A direct current has a fixed value and does not change with time. The frequency of the direct current is equal to zero as it does not change with time.

7. A capacitor consists of two

  1. insulation separated by a dielectric
  2. ceramic plates and one mica disc
  3. silver-coated insulators
  4. conductors separated by an insulator

Answer: 4

8. In a cable capacitor, voltage gradient is maximum at the surface       of the

  1. sheath
  2. earth
  3. conductor
  4. insulator

Answer: 3

9. The capacitance of a cable capacitor depends on

  1. core diameter
  2. ratio of cylinder radii
  3. potential difference
  4. insulation thickness

Answer: 2

10. The time constant of an R-C circuit is defined as the time during     which capacitor charging current becomes ——— percent of its        —— value.

  1. 37, initial
  2. 37, final
  3. 63, initial
  4. 63, final

Answer: 1

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